We've moved!

Following please find further information on how to reach our offices.
Frequently asked questions

Link to Google Maps:


Arriving at Trident Park - Directions for pedestrians:
  1. Starting Point: Begin your journey at the Portico (Main Entrance) of Trident Park. This is your landmark for starting on foot.
  2. Follow the Walkways: From the Portico, proceed by following the designated pedestrian walkways. These are designed for safe and easy access.
  3. Using the Lift: Navigate towards the panoramic lift  (Lift D) located nearest to the car park. This lift will take you directly to Level 5, where our offices are located.
  4. Arrival: Upon exiting the lift on Level 5, proceed to the office entrance. Welcome to our new offices at Trident Park!
Arriving at Trident Park - Directions for drivers:
  1. Entering Trident Park: Drive into Trident Park and head towards the car park by following the internal road to its end.
  2. Parking: Upon reaching the car park, take a parking ticket and choose any available parking spot. Remember, parking is complimentary for our visitors.
  3. To Level 5: After parking, locate and use the panoramic lift (Lift D) near the car park to reach Level 5.
  4. Parking Voucher: Before leaving, don't forget to ask our reception staff for a parking voucher. This will cover the duration of your visit.
  5. Departure: Before exiting the car park, ensure you validate your parking voucher. This can be done at any of the pay machines located throughout Trident Park, or directly at the exit barrier. This step is crucial for complimentary parking validation, making your departure as smooth as your arrival.
Accessibility Information
  • All areas, including walkways, the panoramic lift, and parking areas, are accessible, ensuring everyone can reach us with ease.